The Paperface Envelope Generator is a simple rise and fall envelope with highly useful features. The START input acts as the trigger input, allowing the envelope to cycle, allowing the envelope to start and complete its full cycle. The envelope will not reset if the cycle has not been completed, offering some really great possibilities for abstract enveloping. When a high gate is sent to the CYCLE input, it allows the envelope to cycle as a momentary LFO, depending on how the rise and fall settings are set. There is also a HOLD input that will freeze the envelope in its current state, like a sample/hold input for the envelopes output. At the end of each cycle the envelope will send a high gate at the END output for gating any external source, or even gating itself to create a constant cycling LFO.
Patch the END output to the START input to cycle the envelope as an LFO. Set the rise and fall fully clockwise and monitor the audio of the LFO through a mixer. Adjust the FREQ ADJ trim pot to a desired max frequency. Now patch a gate output from another Envelope or sequencer to the HOLD input of the cycling Envelope. Route the output of the Envelope to the CV in on the Oscillator, adjust HOLD trim pot until the voltage does not drift once the Envelope is held in its HOLD stage. You want a steady voltage every time the Envelope is held.
The resistors marked 33k* can be replaced with 100k.
Power Consumption
+12V - 28mA
-12V - 0mA
*Inspired by Serge Modular Music Systems*