The 1973 Paperface Oscillator is a single oscillator design that offers some simple yet highly effective inputs and outputs. Onboard is a sine to sawtooth waveshaper with full voltage control over the shape. This module also offers two frequency inputs that can be used to pitch the oscillator in musical scales or be used as a frequency modulation input. Hard sync is also available. The 1973 Oscillator offers AC and DC outputs for use in many different applications.
*Power cable is included in all built module orders.
Monitor the sawtooth waveform on your oscilloscope with the frequency control set to fully CCW. Adjust the TUNING trim pot so that the lowest frequency reads 5-10Hz.
Now turn the frequency knob fully CW and adjust the FM DEPTH trim pot so that the max frequency reads between 10-12kHz
Now monitor the sine/saw wave output on your oscilloscope with the saw/sine shaper control set to fully CCW. Adjust the SINE SHAPE trim pot until you have a perfectly symmetrical sine wave on the top and bottom portion of the waveform.
Please note that the 1973 Oscillator does not track 1V/Oct.
Power Consumption
+12V - 25mA
-12V - 8mA
*Inspired by Serge Modular Music Systems*